Today’s Act of Domestic Goddesshood was the creation of crock pot beef stew. I’d never actually made it before, and to be honest, my favorite kind is good ol’ Dinty Moore. I had real difficulty finding a recipe that looked like it would emulate Dinty’s chunkified, canned goodness. I finally settled on this one, since I had most of the ingredients. It was good, but the tomato soup base was still unsettling to me. I want nummy beef gravy! Anybody have a good stew recipe? Of course, I won’t be able to use it til next winter, seeing as how I made so much of this batch we’ll be eating it for the next ten months…
Incidentally, I had no idea that Dinty Moore beef stew was such an icon for the survivalist set. Check out this Google search. Half the results are for Y2K nutcases discussing supplies for their fallout shelters!
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