I just signed up for LinkLust, which aims to be a sort of “European Metafilter”, I guess. I know, I know… Like I need to spend more time on the Internet.

Rumors are a-flyin’ that another cull’s in the works for today. The only difference is, this time Snookums and I are hoping to get axed.

New Poll: That V.C. Andrews reference down below sent me on a total nostalgia trip. Did you ever read any of her books? Would you admit to it? Go vote and then read the rest of this post.

Okay, in case you’re wondering, V.C. Andrews wrote all these weird melodramatic serial novels generally about young women in incestuous circumstances. They were really popular in the 80’s, I swear. In junior high my group of girlfriends used to pass copies of them around until they were ragged. Apparently they’re such a publishing cash cow that even though the author died, her family have continued to publish new books under her name. They’ve all got lurid covers with a blond waif peeking out of a cutout on the front. No, I’m not proud of knowing this.

Everybody’s talking about the big Eastenders shocker tonight. I don’t get why they keep calling it an “incest” storyline though. *Spoiler alert for UK fans!* It’s about a family of five sisters, where the youngest one is actually the eldest one’s daughter. She was too young to raise a child, so the family covered it up and the parents raised her as their own. But unless the father is somehow related to them, I really don’t see how it qualifies as “incest.” It’s not a friggin’ V.C. Andrews story.

Update: It is a V.C. Andrews story. Read the comments at your own risk. (Bigtime spoilers.)

That airplane guy I mentioned yesterday is sorry. He didn’t mean it to be an airplane. And besides, his mother says, kids always taunted him about his spinal disability. WHAT?