Heh. I guess Ironminds saw that Salon interview with “Komo” too.
Pisces buddies!!
How did I miss this? Pet-Care Tips from the Onion. My favorite: “Pet rabbits often benefit from a glass of white wine and light breading in a rosemary butter sauce.” Hee!
Holy crap! I was totally wrong about the UK-recognizing-gay-unions thing yesterday. Apparently as of September, lesbians and gay men living in London will be able to register their relationships. It doesn’t confer the legal status of “married”, but “it is hoped that it will be accepted as evidence in any dispute or civil action over tenancy, pension or immigration rights.” It’s a step, kids. (I wonder how this affects that hunger strike?)
Salon posted a story written by Komo, the dragon that bit Phil Bronstein. I might find it funnier if Ironminds hadn’t written almost the same thing over a week ago.
Very interesting. A company called zTrace has invented software to trace stolen laptops. We’ve had several stolen from our office this year. As more and more companies supply employees with laptops to work from home, this kind of service could get very lucrative.
A gay British couple are on a hunger strike for same-sex marriages. Dude. I mean, I think that’s a worthy cause and all, but a hunger strike? Given the realistic chances of the law being changed right now (like 0%), I’d sooner move to Vermont and get married than die of starvation. I guess I don’t have enough motivation to become a martyr.
Will the home LAN save us? We have one. It’s not very extensive at the moment (only extending between Snookums’ and my rooms), but we’ve got big plans.
Salon reports that consumer confidence is up again. Which is nice, but the best part of this article are the ridiculous metaphors economists use to describe the news.
“The economy is clearly coming out of hibernation and beginning to move about,” said Sung Won Sohn, chief economist at Wells Fargo. “But it’s still pretty dark in the woods.”
WHAT? Another good one:
National Association of Manufacturers President Jerry Jasinowski said the figures were “like a ray of sunshine in an otherwise stormy sky.” He said that “while I don’t think the clouds are going to fade right away,” the numbers “show that the storm is beginning to moderate.”
I suppose if this is what it takes to make economics interesting, so be it.
Well, Chuck and Camilla finally kissed in public. It doesn’t look very passionate though. In fact, I’d say Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie showed more spark than these old fogies do. Of course, I guess you’re not exactly going to slip your boyfriend the tongue when his mother, the Queen of friggin’ England, is standing right in front of him, are you?
My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.
No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.
Pisces buddies!!
TIL we share the birthday month/week. Happy Birthday!
Thank you!!
Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!
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