• Woohoo! Snookums and I are going to try to get tickets to see Ben Folds tomorrow night. Did you know that he actually moved to Adelaide (South Australia) when the band split up? That’s where he lives now. Huh. Anyway, we don’t know a lot of his stuff, but we like what we have, so it should be fun.

  • Seriously, Wooly Willy was one of my favorite toys ever. (Of course, having lived in England for so long, that name takes on an entirely different and not-so-wholesome meaning.) I also seem to remember having the Doodle Balls game. (Again, with the double entendres!)

  • I’ve become a big fan of Six Feet Under in the past few months. Here’s an article about the show’s opening credits that I found interesting. That music really is just perfect for it. (Link courtesy of NowThis.)

  • Destiny’s Child

    Can somebody explain how in the heck Destiny’s Child are writing an autobiography? Isn’t Beyonce, like, the only one from the original group? The article sorta implies that there were six of them originally, which I know isn’t right. Can somebody give me a condensed history?

  • You gotta love English cuisine. The UK government has given Heinz the go-ahead to label their tins of baked beans as counting towards your recommended daily intake of five portions fruit and vegetables. Apparently spaghetti-o’s and soup will count as well. Health experts are, as expected, horrified.

  • Bardot – one of the bands I put on my mix CD – has just called it quits. Ahh, the first Popstars band implosion.

  • But nice people are better

    Right after typing the post below, I headed out for my day’s errands… and it was like the universe was trying to cheer me up. I met friendly and nice people everywhere I turned.

    • I stopped for a second to peek in at the cafe below us (it’s almost done) when the owner invited me in to take a look. It turns out his name is George and he’s the one that referred the music video people to our place last week. He might even give me a job! He was really nice.
    • Then I headed for the post office to send a Roald Dahl prize book. The lady at the counter remembered me from sending all the CDs and chatted with me about Dahl. She was the nicest post office lady ever.
    • On my way out of the post office, this scary stoner guy held the door for me and said that he liked my Breeders T-shirt. In the eight years I’ve had it, no one has ever recognized the group.
    • After I did my workout, I met Snookums at the pet store to pick out fish. Big Gay Al was there again, and he let me hold one of the lop-eared bunnies! (He breeds them for the shop.) And you all know how I am about animals. But it was so sweet and cute! Apparently they can be litter box trained, they don’t smell, and they live for years. I’m seriously thinking about getting one.

    So I’m all happy again. Not all human beings are assholes. And how was your day?

  • Mean people suck

    My recently-married Dad moved in with his new wife three weeks ago. This past weekend, he parked his Jeep in front of the house and went in to bed. When he came out in the morning, some asshole had broken in. They tried to jimmy the lock with a screwdriver, but when that didn’t work they just busted the window. Then they proceeded to rip his stereo out of the dash. At first Dad thought that was the extent of the damage. Then he discovered that they’d stolen his garage door opener, gone around the back of the house, opened the garage, and stolen his mountain bike. And this all happened in a nice, Midwestern, “Leave it to Beaver” residential area. What kind of savages would do such a thing? What kind of an ass do you have to be to think, “I’m going to break in and forcibly remove your stuff and make it mine.”? I rant about people who think they are above the rules, but in my case that usually means people who cut in line or bitch at the check-in woman at the airport. I don’t know what I’d do if I was actually confronted with someone who had so little respect for the rest of humanity that they’d actually smash through a window and take my stuff. I feel as mad and frustrated as I did when those assholes egged us. We’re trying to have a society here, people. (TM Brigita)

  • Who is General Tso and why are we eating his chicken? Now we know. My college roommates and I would always wonder this when we placed our weekly order to Bai-Ju’s Noodle House in South Bend. On a similar note, did you know that Paul Simon got the song title “Mother and Child Reunion” from a chicken-and-egg dish he spotted on a Chinese restaurant’s menu? You need never be puzzled by your take-away again. (Original link courtesy of Fredo.)

  • My server’s clock is still horked, which is messing up the number of posts on this page as well as the recent comments box. I’ve raised the issue with Support again, so hopefully it’ll be fixed soon. Sorry about the inconvenience!


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.







Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!