• Weblog Hate Mail

    Heather has written a wonderful and timely entry on weblog hate mail and how horrible people can be when they’re not talking to your face. Timely, since I got my own wonderful personal attack this morning: “there are plenty of misguded [sic] expats living abroad who no [sic] SO much more because of their current foreign surroundings… if you can’t tell your [sic] being an “expat snob” … read your post on when you returned to South Bend for the wedding.” I was confused at first because I couldn’t remember any rampant snobbery on my part when I got home. I had to go back through the archives and the only thing I could find was this incident with the dumb teenage couple on the plane. So, just to clarify, I wasn’t being an expat snob in that post, I was being an intellectual snob. My mockery had nothing to do with the girl’s nationality and everything to do with her NOT KNOWING WHERE ONE OF THE CONTINENTS WAS. It’s not like that is some random bit of trivia, now is it? And I felt my slam on the local school system was entirely justified, given that I’M A PRODUCT OF IT. Oh, and we call out bad writing around these parts too. I guess that makes us grammar and spelling snobs.

    And you know what prompted that little diatribe? My praising Australia’s contribution to tsunami relief. I didn’t even mention the US in that post (and explained to a few folks in the comments that I didn’t intend it as a slam). Yet somehow, just because I live overseas, every time I say something good about another country it has to be interpreted as a criticism of the US. Come on, back me up folks. That’s ridiculous, right?

  • Tsunami Boy Reunited

    Dear Internets: Please note that the missing tsunami boy has been reunited with his family, so please quit forwarding me his picture! Thanks. Love, Kris

  • Australia Day Barbie

    moblogged image

    Major and Deb at Steve’s Australia Day barbecue… We’ve imbibed much wine and eaten slabs of meat. Perfect arvo.

  • Giant Lamington

    Mmm, giant lamington. How awesome would that be? Unfortunately when I read the headline I immediately imagined a lamington the size of a house. The reality – “half the size of a family car” – is a lot less impressive.

  • Soctopus Attacks Oscar, Film at 11

    As you probably read elsewhere, the 2005 Oscar nominations were announced this morning and you all know what that means… The Third Annual web-goddess Oscar Contest has offically launched! This year the first prize is a one-of-a-kind, never-before-seen sock creation: the Soctopus! (Thanks to Christopher for suggesting the concept.) Second and third prizes are the ever-popular mini sock monkeys. Remember, do your research and take as much time as you need before you enter because you can’t go back and change your entry later! But don’t wait too late, because ties can be broken based on who put in their guess first… Good luck everyone!

    Oh, and if you want to see more pictures of Soctopus in action, here are some shots of him attacking the Snook. (Matt used them to create the awesome promo image for the contest this year.) In terms of his construction, he’s a slight cheat since I actually used two pairs of socks. The skinny black tie was a joke reference to the modern tuxedos worn by guys like Brad Pitt, and the hat just seemed like the perfect accessory. Matt thinks it makes him look like a “ska-topus.” I can see that.





  • nofollow

    The brains at Google have had a brilliant idea: identify user-submitted links on a blog via a special tag and then don’t follow them. This means that the assholes who make comment spam posts will have less incentive, since Google won’t index the links and thus increase the PageRank of their crappy phentermine scam pages. I’m going to have a go at implementing it here.

  • Rob and Ambah forevah!

    It’s stuntcasting to the extreme, but I am still so excited to see Rob and Ambah compete in the next Amazing Race. I’m gonna go out on a limb and predict that they end up way more on the Freddy-Kendra side of the niceness spectrum. (The spectrum, of course, that has Kris and Jon on the other side. Love them!) (Link courtesy of Kim.)

  • Curse of the Korean Pot Belly

    Curse of the Korean Pot Belly

    Me: *yawn*
    Crochet Lady: Tired?
    Me: Yeah, exhausted. I went to bed at 9:30 last night and I still feel like I could fall back asleep! Probably just my allergies, combined with this depressing rainy weather…
    Crochet Lady: And the bub. *smile*
    Me: Wha–? Bub?
    Crochet Lady: You know… *gestures towards my stomach*
    Me: BUB!? That’s not a baby! It’s just my, my, my, you know, POOCH! I’m not PREGNANT! I’m just FAT! Good grief, I need to start wearing my apron again with the sign that says “NOT A BABY.” Just because a person has a predisposition to carry their extra weight in front doesn’t mean you can automatically assume that they’re WITH CHILD. Sheesh! That’s it; I’m going back on my diet today. No more carbs. That means I can’t do my DEEP-FRIED MACARONI EXPERIMENT, which I guess is fine because people might have thought I was some BIG HORMONAL PREGNANT WOMAN suffering CRAZY FOOD CRAVINGS, and GOD KNOWS I wouldn’t want THAT…”
    Crochet Lady: *slinks out the door*

  • Seventy-two hours to go…

    Only about seventy-two hours to go… until the 2005 Oscar nominations are announced and thus the Third Annual Web-Goddess Oscar Contest launches. Can you feel the excitement? Just wait til you see what the prize is…

  • MythBlog

    Snookums helped me write a little script today that automatically uploads information from our TiFaux* to my website. It’s down there in the right column under “recording.” Currently it’s set to list the shows that we recorded on the previous day. I just thought it was sort of neat.

    * TiVo isn’t available in Australia, so we’ve got a homemade “personal video recorder” system that consists of a Linux PC running MythTV. It doesn’t have all the fancy TiVo predictive features, but it does a pretty good job of including all the shows we want to watch.


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.



Our Lips Are Sealed
The Go-Go's
Played Today @ 3:14pm




Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!