Category: Meta

  • Happy blog-birthday to me!

    My blog is going to kindergarten, folks! That’s right; I’ve officially been blogging at web-goddess for FIVE years. (The archives go back a little further because I was blogging elsewhere.) As I have done in previous years, I’ve compiled some statistics about the past twelve months. Overall the trend was towards less posting and commenting (which isn’t very surprising given that it was my first full year not working as an IT drone). Here we go!

    What will 2006 bring? Definitely more cat pictures…

  • Link Updates

    Just did some much needed house-cleaning on my Weblog and Link lists down there on the right. The Weblogs list is now identical to my Daily Bookmarks list, so if you’ve always wondered where I find some of this stuff, them’s the places.

  • Dr Amy Jones

    moblogged image

    What better way to test my new moblogging ability than with the ol’ standby: a picture of our cat! More details on my setup in a minute…

    Later: Okay, so all the cool kids nowadays are using Flickr to upload photos to their sites. I like to be contrary, though, so I asked the Snook how difficult it would be to roll this ourselves. Within a few hours, he had it up and running. Basically, I take a photo with my Sony Ericsson T610 and MMS it to a special e-mail address. I’ll let the Snook explain how he worked the server-side mojo: “I wrote a PHP script using the Mail_Mime component from the Pear Repository which scans a message for text and image attachments, saves and resizes the image, and inserts a post into the database. I use qmail to feed incoming messages to the script.” So that’s it! This image and the short bit of accompanying text went straight from my phone to w-g. (This extra bit was added by hand afterwards.) Now I’m envisioning all sorts of fun uses for this in the future. Maybe Crazy Jesus Lady would let me put her on the site…?

    Even later: I just realized I should probably translate for the non-nerds in the audience. By “moblog,” I mean “mobile web logging,” which is a completely stupid and made-up way of saying that I take pictures with my cell phone and send them to my website. Just in case you were confused.

  • Valentine Abuse

    I checked my server statistics today and my eyes nearly fell out. Fully one-third of the files I’ve served this month are the Valentine. People are still abusing it. (A pox on all the stupid teenagers who hang out in web forums!) My .htaccess file now contains about 25 different domains which are forbidden from accessing it. As a last resort, I’ve also removed the big jpeg completely and it’s now offered as a zip file instead. At least they can’t steal that.

  • Peace Rally

    Holy crap! This French news site linked to my pictures from the peace rally.

  • Domain name change

    Please note if you were using the old URL that that domain name has finally expired. You can update your bookmarks to Thanks!

  • Disturbing search requests

    I was just checking my referrer logs to see how many people have been sucked in by my flagrant karma whoring on Plastic, when what to my wondering eyes should appear but an honest-to-goodness disturbing search request! Somebody apparently found my site after searching on “asian escorts at web”. Huh. Now that I’m listed on Google I seem to be reachin’ a whole new audience…